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AddThe method inserts a new item at the end of the list.
AppendArrayThe method appends a specified list to this list.
AssignArrayThe methods copies an array of single-precision floating point numbers to this list.
InsertThe method adds an object to the Items array at the position specified by Index.
SortOnAngleThe method sorts the points by specified angle relative to the specified center point.
SortOnVectorThe method sorts the points by specified vector.
Methods derived from TsgBaseListDescription
AppendDynArrayThe method appends a dynamic array to the list.
AssignThe method copies elements of another list to this one.
ClearThe method deletes all items from the list.
CopyFromThe method copies data from a specified list to this list.
CopyToThe method copies data from this list to a specified list.
CreateThe method creates a new list and initializes its data.
DeleteThe method removes the item(s) at a specific position from the list.
DestroyThe method destroys an instance of TsgBaseList.
FillCharThe method is for internal use.
FlipThe method performs mirrored rearrangement of the items.
HighThe method returns the index of last item in the list.
IsEqualThe method checks whether this list and a specified list are equal.
IsItemsUniqueThe method checks whether the Items array contains unique data set.
SortThe method performs a sort on the list.
SwapItemsThe method swaps two items in the list.